Ocean Freight Rates


Logistics Tools - Seaports - Inland Europe Ports

Port name,code,line,country:Go
Port CodePort NameCountry(Region)Route
ALDRSDurres Albania Inland Europe
ATGRZGraz Austria Inland Europe
ATINNInnsbruck Austria Inland Europe
ATLNZLinz Austria Inland Europe
ATSZGSalzburg Austria Inland Europe
ATVENVienna Austria Inland Europe
BEBRSBruges Belgium Inland Europe
BEBRUBrussel Belgium Inland Europe
BEGHEGhent Belgium Inland Europe
BEHEMHemiksem Belgium Inland Europe
BELGELiege Belgium Inland Europe
BENIENieuwpoort Belgium Inland Europe
BEOSTOstend Belgium Inland Europe
BEZEEZeebrugge Belgium Inland Europe
BGSOFSofia Bulgaria Inland Europe
CHBSLBasel Switzerland Inland Europe
CHGENGeneva Switzerland Inland Europe
CHZRHZurich Switzerland Inland Europe
CZPRAPrague Czech Republic Inland Europe
DEALTAltona Germany Inland Europe
DEBHNBremerhaven Germany Inland Europe
DEBOCBochum Germany Inland Europe
DEBONBonn Germany Inland Europe
DEBRABrake Germany Inland Europe
DEBREBremen Germany Inland Europe
DEBRUBunsbuttel Germany Inland Europe
DEBUTButzfleth Germany Inland Europe
DECOBCoblenz Germany Inland Europe
DECOLCologne Germany Inland Europe
DECUXCuxhaven Germany Inland Europe
DEDARDarmstadt Germany Inland Europe
DEDORDortmund Germany Inland Europe
DEDREDresden Germany Inland Europe
DEDUEDuesseldorf Germany Inland Europe
DEDUIDuisburg Germany Inland Europe
DEDUSDusseldorf Germany Inland Europe
DEECKEckernforde Germany Inland Europe
DEELSElsfleth Germany Inland Europe
DEEMDEmden Germany Inland Europe
DEESSEssen Germany Inland Europe
DEFLEFlensburg Germany Inland Europe
DEFRAFrankfurt Germany Inland Europe
DEGLUGluckstadt Germany Inland Europe
DEHAJHannover Germany Inland Europe
DEHEIHeiligenhafen Germany Inland Europe
DEHERHerbrechtingen Germany Inland Europe
DEHSMHusum Germany Inland Europe
DEINGIngolstadt Germany Inland Europe
DEITZItzehoe Germany Inland Europe
DEKAPKappeln Germany Inland Europe
DEKARKarlsruhe Germany Inland Europe
DEKILKiel Germany Inland Europe
DEKREKrefeld Germany Inland Europe
DELABLabo Germany Inland Europe
DELEILeipzig Germany Inland Europe
DELERLeer Germany Inland Europe
DELUBLubeck Germany Inland Europe
DEMAIMainz Germany Inland Europe
DEMHMMannheim Germany Inland Europe
DEMUNMunich Germany Inland Europe
DENEUNeu-ulm Germany Inland Europe
DENHSNeuhaus Germany Inland Europe
DENORNordenham Germany Inland Europe
DENSTNeustadt Germany Inland Europe
DENUENuernberg Germany Inland Europe
DENUSNeuss Germany Inland Europe
DEOFFOffenbach Germany Inland Europe
DEORTOrth Germany Inland Europe
DEPAPPapenburg Germany Inland Europe
DEREGRegensburg Germany Inland Europe
DEREMRemscheid Germany Inland Europe
DEROSRostock Germany Inland Europe
DERSGRendsburg Germany Inland Europe
DESCHShcwarzenhutten Germany Inland Europe
DESOLSolingen Germany Inland Europe
DESOMSommerda Germany Inland Europe
DESSDStadersand Germany Inland Europe
DESTAStade Germany Inland Europe
DESTRStralsund Germany Inland Europe
DESTUStuttgart Germany Inland Europe
DETONTonning Germany Inland Europe
DETRATravemunde Germany Inland Europe
DEUEBBerlin Germany Inland Europe
DEVEGVegesack Germany Inland Europe
DEWARWarnemunde Germany Inland Europe
DEWILWilhelmshaven Germany Inland Europe
DEWISWismar Germany Inland Europe
DEWLGWilhelmsburg Germany Inland Europe
DEWOEWoerth Germany Inland Europe
DEWUPWuppertal Germany Inland Europe
DKAABAabenraa Denmark Inland Europe
DKABGAalborg Denmark Inland Europe
DKAERAeroskobing Denmark Inland Europe
DKAHSAarhus Denmark Inland Europe
DKALLAllinge Denmark Inland Europe
DKASSAssens Denmark Inland Europe
DKBHMBandholm Denmark Inland Europe
DKBOGBogense Denmark Inland Europe
DKCOPCopenhagen Denmark Inland Europe
DKEBEEbeltoft Denmark Inland Europe
DKELSElsinore Denmark Inland Europe
DKESBEsbjerg Denmark Inland Europe
DKFAAFaaborg Denmark Inland Europe
DKFLSFakse Ladeplads Denmark Inland Europe
DKFREFredericia Denmark Inland Europe
DKFSDFrederikssund Denmark Inland Europe
DKFSKFrederiksvark Denmark Inland Europe
DKFSNFrederikshavn Denmark Inland Europe
DKGRAGrasten Denmark Inland Europe
DKGREGrenaa Denmark Inland Europe
DKGULGulfhavn Denmark Inland Europe
DKHASHasle Denmark Inland Europe
DKHIRHirtshals Denmark Inland Europe
DKHOBHobro Denmark Inland Europe
DKHOLHolbaek Denmark Inland Europe
DKHORHorsens Denmark Inland Europe
DKHSDHadsund Denmark Inland Europe
DKHSVHaderslev Denmark Inland Europe
DKKALKalundborg Denmark Inland Europe
DKKARKarrebaeksminde Denmark Inland Europe
DKKERKerteminde Denmark Inland Europe
DKKOGKoge Denmark Inland Europe
DKKOLKolding Denmark Inland Europe
DKKORKorsor Denmark Inland Europe
DKKYNKyndby Denmark Inland Europe
DKLEMLemvig Denmark Inland Europe
DKLSOLyngs Oddde Denmark Inland Europe
DKMARMariager Denmark Inland Europe
DKMASMasnedsund Denmark Inland Europe
DKMIDMiddelfart Denmark Inland Europe
DKMTLMarstal Denmark Inland Europe
DKNAENaestved Denmark Inland Europe
DKNBGNykobing(sja.) Denmark Inland Europe
DKNEKNekso Denmark Inland Europe
DKNKGNykobing(mors) Denmark Inland Europe
DKNKVNakskov Denmark Inland Europe
DKNORNorresundby Denmark Inland Europe
DKNYBNyborg Denmark Inland Europe
DKNYKNykobing(fal.) Denmark Inland Europe
DKODEOdense Denmark Inland Europe
DKOREOrehoved Denmark Inland Europe
DKRANRanders Denmark Inland Europe
DKRODRodbyhavn Denmark Inland Europe
DKRONRonne Denmark Inland Europe
DKRUDRudkobing Denmark Inland Europe
DKRVGRodvig Denmark Inland Europe
DKSAKSakskobing Denmark Inland Europe
DKSKISkive Denmark Inland Europe
DKSKKSkaerbaek Denmark Inland Europe
DKSKNSkagen Denmark Inland Europe
DKSKRSkaelskor Denmark Inland Europe
DKSONSonderborg Denmark Inland Europe
DKSTEStege Denmark Inland Europe
DKSTPStubbekobing Denmark Inland Europe
DKSTRStruer Denmark Inland Europe
DKSVAStvaneke Denmark Inland Europe
DKSVESvendborg Denmark Inland Europe
DKTBHTuborg Havn Denmark Inland Europe
DKTISTisted Denmark Inland Europe
DKVEJVejle Denmark Inland Europe
DKVORVordingborg Denmark Inland Europe
GBEDIEdinburgh United Kingdom Inland Europe
EENAJNarva Joesuu Estonia Inland Europe
EEPARParnu Estonia Inland Europe
EETALTallinn Estonia Inland Europe
DEHOLHoltenau Germany Inland Europe
DELUDLudwigshafen Germany Inland Europe
ESBGSBurgos Spain Inland Europe
FIBARBarosund Finland Inland Europe
FIDEGDegerby Finland Inland Europe
FIHAMHamina Finland Inland Europe
FIHANHanko Finland Inland Europe
FIHELHelsinki Finland Inland Europe
FIINKInkoo Finland Inland Europe
FIISNIsnas Finland Inland Europe
FIKASKaskinen Finland Inland Europe
FIKEMKemi Finland Inland Europe
FIKOKKokkola Finland Inland Europe
FIKOTKotka Finland Inland Europe
FIKOVKoverhar Finland Inland Europe
FIKRIKristiina Finland Inland Europe
FILAPLapaluoto Finland Inland Europe
FILOVLoviisa Finland Inland Europe
FIMARMariehamn Finland Inland Europe
FIMERMerikarvia Finland Inland Europe
FIMTOMantyluoto Finland Inland Europe
FINAANaantali Finland Inland Europe
FIOULOulu Finland Inland Europe
FIPATPateniemi Finland Inland Europe
FIPGSPargas Finland Inland Europe
FIPIEPietarsaari Finland Inland Europe
FIPORPorkkala Finland Inland Europe
FIPRIPori Finland Inland Europe
FIPVOPorvoo Finland Inland Europe
FIRAARaahe Finland Inland Europe
FIRAURauma Finland Inland Europe
FIREPReposaari Finland Inland Europe
FISKUSkuru Finland Inland Europe
FISMCSaimaa Canal Finland Inland Europe
FITAMTammisaari Finland Inland Europe
FITKSToikis Finland Inland Europe
FITOPToppila Finland Inland Europe
FITORTornio Finland Inland Europe
FITURTurku Finland Inland Europe
FIUUSUusikaupunki Finland Inland Europe
FIVASVaskiluoto Finland Inland Europe
FIVEIVeitsiluoto Finland Inland Europe
FIVSAVaasa Finland Inland Europe
FIWALWalkom Finland Inland Europe
FIYKSYkspihlaja Finland Inland Europe
NOFKDFrederikstad Norway Inland Europe
FOKLAKlaksvig Faroe Island Inland Europe
FOTRATrangisvaag Faroe Island Inland Europe
FOTHOThorshavn Faroe Island Inland Europe
FOTVOTvoroyri Faroe Island Inland Europe
FOVAGVaag Faroe Island Inland Europe
FOVESVestmanhavn Faroe Island Inland Europe
FRABBAbbeville France Inland Europe
FRAJAAjaccio France Inland Europe
FRARCArcachon France Inland Europe
FRATRAntifer France Inland Europe
FRATSAntibes France Inland Europe
FRBASBassens France Inland Europe
FRBATBastia France Inland Europe
FRBAYBayonne France Inland Europe
FRBLABlaye France Inland Europe
FRBONBonifacio France Inland Europe
FRBORBordeaux France Inland Europe
FRBOUBoulogne France Inland Europe
FRBSTBrest France Inland Europe
FRCALCalais France Inland Europe
FRCAMCammaret France Inland Europe
FRCANCaen France Inland Europe
FRCARCaronte France Inland Europe
FRCBGCherbourg France Inland Europe
FRCLECancale France Inland Europe
FRCNSCannes France Inland Europe
FRCONConcarneau France Inland Europe
FRCVICalvi France Inland Europe
FRDAHDahouet France Inland Europe
FRDEADeauville France Inland Europe
FRDIEDieppe France Inland Europe
FRDONDonges France Inland Europe
FRDOUDouamenez France Inland Europe
FRFECFecamp France Inland Europe
FRFSMFos Sur Mer France Inland Europe
FRFUTFutuna France Inland Europe
FRGLSGravelines France Inland Europe
FRGONGonfreville France Inland Europe
FRGRAGranville France Inland Europe
FRHAVHavre France Inland Europe
FRHONHonfleur France Inland Europe
FRIROIle Rousse France Inland Europe
FRLANLanderneau France Inland Europe
FRLAVLavera France Inland Europe
FRLCHLe Chateau France Inland Europe
FRLCILa Ciotat France Inland Europe
FRLGULe Guido France Inland Europe
FRLIBLibourne France Inland Europe
FRLILLille France Inland Europe
FRLIOLyon France Inland Europe
FRLNOLa Nouvelle France Inland Europe
FRLOCLoctudy France Inland Europe
FRLORLorient France Inland Europe
FRLPALa Pallice France Inland Europe
FRLROLa Rochelle France Inland Europe
FRLVELe Verdon France Inland Europe
FRMARMarans France Inland Europe
FRMONMontoir France Inland Europe
FRMORMorlaix France Inland Europe
FRMRSMarseilles France Inland Europe
FRMTSMartigues France Inland Europe
FRNICNice France Inland Europe
FRNTSNantes France Inland Europe
FROUIOuistreham France Inland Europe
FRPACPauillac France Inland Europe
FRPBFPaimboeuf France Inland Europe
FRPDBPort De Bouc France Inland Europe
FRPJEPort Jerome France Inland Europe
FRPPLPaimpol France Inland Europe
FRPROPropriano France Inland Europe
FRPRSParis France Inland Europe
FRPVOPorto Vecchio France Inland Europe
FRPVSPort Vendres France Inland Europe
FRQUIQuimper France Inland Europe
FRROCRochefort France Inland Europe
FRROSRoscoff France Inland Europe
FRROURouen France Inland Europe
FRSBRSt.brieuc France Inland Europe
FRSETSete France Inland Europe
FRSJLSt.jean De Luz France Inland Europe
FRSLRSt.louis Du Rhone France Inland Europe
FRSMOSt.malo France Inland Europe
FRSNASt.nazaire France Inland Europe
FRSSESt.servan France Inland Europe
FRSTRStrasbourg France Inland Europe
FRSVCSt.valery En Caux France Inland Europe
FRSVSSt.valery Sur Somme France Inland Europe
FRTGRTreguier France Inland Europe
FRTNCTonnay Charente France Inland Europe
FRTOUToulon France Inland Europe
FRTPTTreport France Inland Europe
FRTROTrouville France Inland Europe
FRVERVerdon France Inland Europe
GBABEAberystwyth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBABNAberdeen United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBABRAberdour United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBABYAberdovery United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBAGSArdglass United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBALDAlderney United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBAMLAmlwch United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBANGAnnalong United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBANNAnnan United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBANSAnstruther United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBAPPAppledore United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBARBArbroath United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBARGArdrishaig United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBARNArdrossan United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBAVOAvonmouth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBAYRAyr United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBAEBarnstaple United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBANBangor(co.down) United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBARBarton(w.c.) United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBELBelfast United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBERBerwick United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBGRBangor(caer.) United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBHDBurghead United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBHMBirmingham United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBIDBideford United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBIRBirkenhead United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBLNBridlington United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBLYBlyth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBMSBeaumaris United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBOSBoston United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBPTBridport United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBRDBromborough Dock United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBRIBrightlingsea United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBRNBrighton United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBRWBarrow United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBRYBarry United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBTHBarmouth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBTLBristol United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBTNBarton(e.c.) United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBUCBuckie United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBURBurntisland United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBWRBridgwater United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBBXMBrixham United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBCAECaernarfon United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBCAMCampbeltown United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBCARCarrickfergus United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBCASCastletown United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBCDFCardiff United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBCHACharlestown(corn.) United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBCHNCharlestown(fife) United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBCOEColeraine United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBCOLColchester United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBCORCorpach United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBCOSCowes United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBCROCromarty United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBDARDartmouth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBDBRDunbar United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBDDEDundee United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBDINDingwall,gb United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBDOUDouglas United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBDOVDover United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBDRMDundrum United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBDUMDumfries United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBELPEllesmere Port United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBEXEExeter United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBEXMExmouth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBEYEEyemouth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBFALFalmouth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBFAWFawley United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBFINFinnart United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBFISFishguard United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBFLEFleetwood United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBFOLFolkestone United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBFOWFowey United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBFRAFraserburgh United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBGAIGainshborough United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBGANGarlieston United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBGARGarston United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBGIRGirvan United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBGLAGlasgow United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBGLEGlenarm United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBGLOGloucester United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBGNKGreenock United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBGNWGunness Wharf United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBGOOGoole United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBGRIGrimsby United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBGRKGourock United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBGSDGravesend United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBGYAGreat Yarmouth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBHARHarwich United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBHAYHayle United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBHEYHeysham United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBHOPHound Point United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBHPLHartlepool United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBHULHull United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBHUNHunterston United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBIMMImmingham United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBINVInvergordon United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBIOGIsle Of Grain United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBIPSIpswich United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBIRVIrvine United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBIVSInverness United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBKILKillingholme United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBKKLKilkeel United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBKOLKyle Of Lochalsh United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBKWLKirkcaldy United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLAMLame United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLANLancaster United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLBALeeds United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLBOLoch Boisdale United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLDYLondonderry United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLEILeith United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLGSLargs United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLITLittlehampton United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLIVLiverpool United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLLILlanelli United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLLSLlanddulas United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLMALoch Maddy United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLNELarne United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLOELooe United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLONLondon United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLOPLochaline Pier United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLOSLossiemouth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLOWLowestoft United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLWKLerwick United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLYBLybster United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBLYDLydney United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBMACMacduff United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBMALMaldon United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBMANManchester United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBMEVMevagissey United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBMIDMiddlesbrough United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBMILMilford Haven United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBMINMinehead United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBMISMistley United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBMLGMallaig United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBMLMMillom United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBMONMontrose United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBMOSMostyn United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBMTLMethil United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBNAINairn United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBNBHNewburgh United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBNCENewcastle(tyne) United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBNEANeath United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBNEWNewport(mon.) United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBNHNNewhaven United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBNLNNewlyn United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBNORNorwich United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBNPTNewport(i.o.w.) United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBNRYNewry United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBNSUNorth Sunderland United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBOBNOban United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPADPdstow United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPALPalnackie United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPAQParkeston Quay United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPARPar United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPASPort Askaig United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPBYPortbury United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPDGPorthmadog United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPEDPembroke Dock United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPEEPeel United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPELPort Ellen United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPENPenzance United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPERPerth,gb United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPETPeterhead United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPHDPortishead United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPLBPortladn Bill United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPLDPortladn(dor.) United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPLYPlymouth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPMRPenmaenmawr United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPOOPoole United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPREPreston United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPRHPortrush United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPSMPort St.mary United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPTAPort Talbot United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPTEPortree United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPTHPortsmouth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPTNPartington United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPWIPort William United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBPWLPwllheli United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBQBHQueenborough United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBQSYQueensferry United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBRAMRamsgate United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBREDRedcar United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBRHMRainham United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBRHYRhyl United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBRICRichborough United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBRIDRidham Dock United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBROTRothesay United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBRSYRamsey United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBRUNRuncorn United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSAUSanudersfoot United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSCAScapa Flow United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSCRScrabster United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSEDSouthend United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSELSelby United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSFDStrangford United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSHESt.helier United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSHMSeaham United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSHNStonehaven United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSHOShoreham United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSIVSt.ives United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSLHShell Haven United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSLYScalloway United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSNSSharpness United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSPPSt.peter Port United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSRRStranraer United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSTAStanlow United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSTOStockton United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSTPStockport United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSTRStromness United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSUBSutton Bridge United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSUNSunderland United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSUVSullom Voe United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSWASwansea United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSWHSandwich United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBSWYStornoway United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTARTarbert United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTBYTenby United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTEETeesport United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTEITeignmouth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTHPThamesport United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTHUThurso United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTILTilbury United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTNTTetney Terminal United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTOBTobermory United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTOPTopsham United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTORTorquay United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTOTTotnes United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTROTroon United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTRUTruro United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBTYDTyne Dock United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBULLUllapool United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBWARWarkworth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBWATWatchet United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBWBYWhitby United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBWESWestray United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBWEYWeymouth United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBWHIWhitstable United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBWHNWhitehaven United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBWICWick United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBWISWisbech United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBWLSWells United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBWORWorkington United Kingdom Inland Europe
GBWRPWarren Point United Kingdom Inland Europe
GLCHRChristianshaab Greenland Inland Europe
GLEGEEgedesminde Greenland Inland Europe
GLFAEFaeringehavn Greenland Inland Europe
GLFREFrederikshaab Greenland Inland Europe
GLGHBGodthaab Greenland Inland Europe
GLGODGodhavn Greenland Inland Europe
GLHOLHolsteinsborg Greenland Inland Europe
GLIVIIvightut Greenland Inland Europe
GLJAKJakobshavn Greenland Inland Europe
GLJULJulianehaab Greenland Inland Europe
GLKANKangamiut Greenland Inland Europe
GLMARMarmorilik Greenland Inland Europe
GLNARNarssarssuaq Greenland Inland Europe
GLSUKSukkertoppen Greenland Inland Europe
GLUMAUmanak Greenland Inland Europe
GLUPEUpernivik Greenland Inland Europe
HRZAGZagreb Croatia Inland Europe
HUBUDBudapest Hungary Inland Europe
IEARKArklow Ireland Inland Europe
IEBALBaltimore Ireland Inland Europe
IEBANBantry Ireland Inland Europe
IEBGNBalbriggan Ireland Inland Europe
IEBNABallina Ireland Inland Europe
IEBUPBurton Port Ireland Inland Europe
IECABCastletown Bere Ireland Inland Europe
IECAHCahirciveen Ireland Inland Europe
IECLAClarecastle Ireland Inland Europe
IECLOClonakilty Ireland Inland Europe
IECOBCobh Ireland Inland Europe
IECOKCork Ireland Inland Europe
IEDDKDundalk Ireland Inland Europe
IEDONDonegal Ireland Inland Europe
IEDRODrogheda Ireland Inland Europe
IEDUBDublin Ireland Inland Europe
IEDULDun Laoghaire Ireland Inland Europe
IEDUNDunmore Ireland Inland Europe
IEDVNDungarvan Ireland Inland Europe
IEECNDuncannon Ireland Inland Europe
IEFNTFenit Ireland Inland Europe
IEFOYFoynes Ireland Inland Europe
IEGALGalway Ireland Inland Europe
IEGREGreenore Ireland Inland Europe
IEHOWHowth Ireland Inland Europe
IEKGSKillybegs Ireland Inland Europe
IEKILKilronan Ireland Inland Europe
IEKINKinsale Ireland Inland Europe
IEKLAKillala Ireland Inland Europe
IEKSHKilrush Ireland Inland Europe
IELIMLimerick Ireland Inland Europe
IEMOVMoville Ireland Inland Europe
IENRSNew Ross Ireland Inland Europe
IERATRathmullen Ireland Inland Europe
IEROSRosslare Ireland Inland Europe
IESCHSchull Ireland Inland Europe
IESLISligo Ireland Inland Europe
IETRATralee Ireland Inland Europe
IEWEXWexford Ireland Inland Europe
IEWICWicklow Ireland Inland Europe
IEYOUYoughal Ireland Inland Europe
ISAKRAkranes Iceland Inland Europe
ISAKUAkureyri Iceland Inland Europe
ISHAFHafnarfjord Iceland Inland Europe
ISHUSHusavik Iceland Inland Europe
ISISAIsafjord Iceland Inland Europe
ISKEFKeflavik Iceland Inland Europe
ISNESNeskaupstadur Iceland Inland Europe
ISPATPatreksfjord Iceland Inland Europe
ISSEYSeydisfjord Iceland Inland Europe
ISSIGSiglufjord Iceland Inland Europe
ISSKASkagastrond Iceland Inland Europe
ISSTRStraumsvik Iceland Inland Europe
ISVSIVestmann Islands Iceland Inland Europe
ITMILMilan Italy Inland Europe
ITMODModena Italy Inland Europe
ITPADPadova Italy Inland Europe
ITROMRome Italy Inland Europe
LTKAUKaunas Lithuania Inland Europe
LTKLAKlaipeda Lithuania Inland Europe
LTVILVilnius Lithuania Inland Europe
LULUXLuxembourg Luxembourg Inland Europe
LVLIELiepaja Latvia Inland Europe
LVRIGRiga Latvia Inland Europe
LVVENVentspils Latvia Inland Europe
MASKJSkopje Macedonia Inland Europe
NLAIKAikmaar Netherlands Inland Europe
NLAMSAmsterdam Netherlands Inland Europe
NLARNArnhem Netherlands Inland Europe
NLBROBrouwershaven Netherlands Inland Europe
NLBUSBussum Netherlands Inland Europe
NLDELDelfzyl Netherlands Inland Europe
NLDORDordrecht Netherlands Inland Europe
NLEEMEemshaven Netherlands Inland Europe
NLEUREuropoort Netherlands Inland Europe
NLFIUFiushing Netherlands Inland Europe
NLGROGroningen Netherlands Inland Europe
NLHANHansweert Netherlands Inland Europe
NLHARHarlingen Netherlands Inland Europe
NLHELHelmond Netherlands Inland Europe
NLHOHHook Of Holland Netherlands Inland Europe
NLKAMKampen Netherlands Inland Europe
NLLDNLeiden Netherlands Inland Europe
NLLEELeeuwarden Netherlands Inland Europe
NLMASMaassluis Netherlands Inland Europe
NLMEPMeppel Netherlands Inland Europe
NLMIDMiddelburg Netherlands Inland Europe
NLROZRozenburg Netherlands Inland Europe
NLSCHScheveningen Netherlands Inland Europe
NLSCMSchiedam Netherlands Inland Europe
NLSLUSluiskil Netherlands Inland Europe
NLSVGSas Van Ghent Netherlands Inland Europe
NLTERTerneuzen Netherlands Inland Europe
NLTILTilburg Netherlands Inland Europe
NLZUTZutphen Netherlands Inland Europe
NLVLAVlaardingen Netherlands Inland Europe
NLVLOVenlo Netherlands Inland Europe
NLYMUYmuiden Netherlands Inland Europe
NLZAAZaandam Netherlands Inland Europe
NLZIEZierikzee Netherlands Inland Europe
NLZWOZwolle Netherlands Inland Europe
NOAALAlesund Norway Inland Europe
NOAARAardalstangen Norway Inland Europe
NOAREArendal Norway Inland Europe
NOBGNBergen Norway Inland Europe
NOBODBodo Norway Inland Europe
NOBREBrevik Norway Inland Europe
NOBROBronnoysund Norway Inland Europe
NODRADrammen Norway Inland Europe
NOEGEEgersund Norway Inland Europe
NOEITEitrheim Norway Inland Europe
NOFAGFagerstrand Norway Inland Europe
NOFARFarsund Norway Inland Europe
NOFLEFlekkefjord Norway Inland Europe
NOFLOFloro Norway Inland Europe
NOFREFredrikstad Norway Inland Europe
NOGLOGrimstad Norway Inland Europe
NOHALHalden Norway Inland Europe
NOHAMHammerfest Norway Inland Europe
NOHARHarstad Norway Inland Europe
NOHAUHaugesund Norway Inland Europe
NOHERHeroya Norway Inland Europe
NOHOLHolmestrand Norway Inland Europe
NOHORHorten Norway Inland Europe
NOHOYHoyanger Norway Inland Europe
NOHUSHusnes Norway Inland Europe
NOHVKHavik Norway Inland Europe
NOKIRKirkenes Norway Inland Europe
NOKLEKleven Norway Inland Europe
NOKOPKopervik Norway Inland Europe
NOKRAKragero Norway Inland Europe
NOKRNKristiansund N. Norway Inland Europe
NOKRSKristiansand Norway Inland Europe
NOKVIKvinesdal Norway Inland Europe
NOLILLillesand Norway Inland Europe
NOLODLodingen Norway Inland Europe
NOLVKLarvik Norway Inland Europe
NOLYNLyngor Norway Inland Europe
NOMAAMaaloy Norway Inland Europe
NOMDLMandal Norway Inland Europe
NOMENMenstad Norway Inland Europe
NOMJNMosjoen Norway Inland Europe
NOMLMMalm Norway Inland Europe
NOMOLMolde Norway Inland Europe
NOMONMongstad Norway Inland Europe
NOMORMo I Rana Norway Inland Europe
NOMOSMoss Norway Inland Europe
NONAENaersnes Norway Inland Europe
NONAMNamsos Norway Inland Europe
NONARNarvik Norway Inland Europe
NOODDOdda Norway Inland Europe
NOOPLOplo Norway Inland Europe
NOOSLOslo Norway Inland Europe
NOPORPorsgrunn Norway Inland Europe
NORISRisor Norway Inland Europe
NOSANSandefjord Norway Inland Europe
NOSARSarpsborg Norway Inland Europe
NOSAUSauda Norway Inland Europe
NOSGNSvelgen Norway Inland Europe
NOSKISkien Norway Inland Europe
NOSKUSkudeneshavn Norway Inland Europe
NOSLASlagen Norway Inland Europe
NOSNSSandnes Norway Inland Europe
NOSTAStavanger Norway Inland Europe
NOSTESteinkjer Norway Inland Europe
NOSUNSunndalsora Norway Inland Europe
NOSVKSvelvik Norway Inland Europe
NOSVOSvolvaer Norway Inland Europe
NOTANTananger Norway Inland Europe
NOTHAThamshamn Norway Inland Europe
NOTHMTrondheim Norway Inland Europe
NOTOFToften Norway Inland Europe
NOTONTonsberg Norway Inland Europe
NOTOUTou Norway Inland Europe
NOTROTromso Norway Inland Europe
NOTVETvedestrand Norway Inland Europe
NOVADVadso Norway Inland Europe
NOVAKVaksdal Norway Inland Europe
NOVARVardo Norway Inland Europe
NOVOLVolda Norway Inland Europe
PLDARDarlowo Poland Inland Europe
PLGDAGdansk Poland Inland Europe
PLGDYGdynia Poland Inland Europe
PLHELHel Poland Inland Europe
PLKOLKolobrzeg Poland Inland Europe
PLSWISwinoujscie Poland Inland Europe
PLSZCSzczecin Poland Inland Europe
PLUSTUstka Poland Inland Europe
PLWLAWladyslawowo Poland Inland Europe
POWSWWarsaw Poland Inland Europe
PTAVEAveiro Portugal Inland Europe
PTBARBarreiro Portugal Inland Europe
PTFIGFigueira Portugal Inland Europe
PTLISLisbon Portugal Inland Europe
PTLXSLeixoes Portugal Inland Europe
PTOLHOlhao Portugal Inland Europe
PTPOMPomarao Portugal Inland Europe
PTPORPorto Portugal Inland Europe
PTSBLSetubal Portugal Inland Europe
PTSNSSines Portugal Inland Europe
PTVDCViana Do Castelo Portugal Inland Europe
PTVIRVila Real Portugal Inland Europe
ROBUCBucharest Romania Inland Europe
ESSCTSt.cruz De Tenerife Spain Inland Europe
SEAHSAhus Sweden Inland Europe
SEALAAla Sweden Inland Europe
SEARBArboga Sweden Inland Europe
SEBORBorgholm Sweden Inland Europe
SEBROBrofjorden Sweden Inland Europe
SEBURBurea Sweden Inland Europe
SEDALDalaro Sweden Inland Europe
SEDEGDegerhamn Sweden Inland Europe
SEDOMDomsjo Sweden Inland Europe
SEFALFalkenberg Sweden Inland Europe
SEFARFarosund Sweden Inland Europe
SEGEFGefle Sweden Inland Europe
SEGVXGavle Sweden Inland Europe
SEHALHallstavik Sweden Inland Europe
SEHANHargshamn Sweden Inland Europe
SEHAPHaparanda Sweden Inland Europe
SEHARHaraholmen Sweden Inland Europe
SEHELHelsingborg Sweden Inland Europe
SEHERHernosand Sweden Inland Europe
SEHOGHoganas Sweden Inland Europe
SEHOLHolmsund Sweden Inland Europe
SEHORHornefors Sweden Inland Europe
SEHSDHalmstad Sweden Inland Europe
SEHSMHusum,se Sweden Inland Europe
SEHUDHudiksvall Sweden Inland Europe
SEIGGIggesund Sweden Inland Europe
SEJONJonkoping Sweden Inland Europe
SEKAAKarlskrona Sweden Inland Europe
SEKADKarlstad Sweden Inland Europe
SEKAGKarlsborg Sweden Inland Europe
SEKALKalmar Sweden Inland Europe
SEKANKarlshamn Sweden Inland Europe
SEKARKarskar Sweden Inland Europe
SEKLAKlagshamn Sweden Inland Europe
SEKLIKlintehamn Sweden Inland Europe
SEKLXKalix Sweden Inland Europe
SEKOPKoping Sweden Inland Europe
SEKRAKramfors Sweden Inland Europe
SEKRIKristinehanm Sweden Inland Europe
SELANLandskrona Sweden Inland Europe
SELIMLimhamn Sweden Inland Europe
SELIDLidkoping Sweden Inland Europe
SELJULjusne Sweden Inland Europe
SELOMLomma Sweden Inland Europe
SELULLulea Sweden Inland Europe
SELYSLysekil Sweden Inland Europe
SEMALMalmo Sweden Inland Europe
SEMARMarstrand Sweden Inland Europe
SEMOTMotala Sweden Inland Europe
SENKPNorkoeping Sweden Inland Europe
SENORNorrkoping Sweden Inland Europe
SENRTNorrsundet Sweden Inland Europe
SENYKNykoping Sweden Inland Europe
SENYNNynkashamn Sweden Inland Europe
SEOAXOaxen Sweden Inland Europe
SEORNOrnskoldsvik Sweden Inland Europe
SEOSKOskarshamn Sweden Inland Europe
SEOTTOtterbacken Sweden Inland Europe
SEOXEOxelosund Sweden Inland Europe
SEPASPaskallavik Sweden Inland Europe
SEPATPataholm Sweden Inland Europe
SEPITPitea Sweden Inland Europe
SERBNRonnebyhamn Sweden Inland Europe
SERONRonehamn Sweden Inland Europe
SESANSandarne Sweden Inland Europe
SESIKSikea Sweden Inland Europe
SESIMSimrishamn Sweden Inland Europe
SESJESodertelje Sweden Inland Europe
SESKASkelleftea Sweden Inland Europe
SESKESkelleftehamn Sweden Inland Europe
SESKOSkoghall Sweden Inland Europe
SESKRSkredsvik Sweden Inland Europe
SESKUSkutskar Sweden Inland Europe
SESLISlite Sweden Inland Europe
SESODSoderhamn Sweden Inland Europe
SESOGSoderkoping Sweden Inland Europe
SESOLSolvesborg Sweden Inland Europe
SESTDStromstad Sweden Inland Europe
SESTEStenungsund Sweden Inland Europe
SESTOStockholm Sweden Inland Europe
SESTRStrangnas Sweden Inland Europe
SESTSStorugns Sweden Inland Europe
SESTUStugsund Sweden Inland Europe
SESVLSundsvall Sweden Inland Europe
SESVNSandviken Sweden Inland Europe
SETORTore Sweden Inland Europe
SETRETrelleborg Sweden Inland Europe
SETROTrollhattan Sweden Inland Europe
SETUNTunadal Sweden Inland Europe
SEUDDUddevalla Sweden Inland Europe
SEUMEUmea Sweden Inland Europe
SEUTAUtansjo Sweden Inland Europe
SEVALValdemarsvik Sweden Inland Europe
SEVARVarberg Sweden Inland Europe
SEVASVasteras Sweden Inland Europe
SEVESVesteras Sweden Inland Europe
SEVIFVifstavarf Sweden Inland Europe
SEVISVisby Sweden Inland Europe
SEWAIWaija Sweden Inland Europe
SEWHNWallhamn Sweden Inland Europe
SEWVKWallvik Sweden Inland Europe
SEYSTYstad Sweden Inland Europe
SKBTSBratislava Slovakia Inland Europe
USSALSalt Lake City,ut Usa Inland Europe